
Continuing with Notion and Organizing Beauty Products

Today, I will continue organizing Notion. Notion has a handy feature called templates, and I’m eager to try various types.

However, spending time customizing it to my preferred design can leave the content lacking. I know this, but I want to do it. I think I’ll gradually work on my preferred design, but I want to do it right away.

So, once I start, I know time will fly by.

I’ll postpone other plans for today and focus on what I want to do.

I plan to continue a bit of the deep cleaning today, organizing makeup-related items. Since beauty products are scattered throughout the room, I want to gather them in one place first.

To easily access what I want to use, I need ample space. The only place for that in the room is on top of the dresser.

I’ll decide on the storage and arrangement after figuring out how many beauty-related items I have.

First, I’ll take everything on top of the dresser and put it on the floor.

Next, I’ll gather everything in the house that seems to be a beauty product in front of the dresser. The cosmetics on the washstand will also be moved into the room.

Due to a lack of confidence in my appearance, I started wearing makeup to school from middle school. Although makeup was strictly prohibited, I was never specifically warned by the teachers.

By the way, do you know that makeup products have expiration dates? I learned this when I was in college and eager to find a makeup style that suited me better.

During that time, I enjoyed lining up makeup products I bought solely based on their cute appearances, without using them. However, now I feel that a small amount of makeup is sufficient. I’ve come to understand that having only a few favorites is enough, considering I only have one face and body.

I’m going to do a bit of cleaning today, continuing from the last time. I’ll organize makeup-related items.

Beauty products are scattered throughout the room, so first, I want to gather them in one place.

To easily access what I want to use, I need ample space. The only place for that in the room is on top of the dresser.

I’ll decide on the storage and arrangement after figuring out how many beauty-related items I have.

First, I’ll take everything on top of the dresser and put it on the floor.

Next, I’ll gather everything in the house that seems to be a beauty product in front of the dresser. The cosmetics on the washstand will also be moved into the room.

Due to a lack of confidence in my appearance, I started wearing makeup to school from middle school. Although makeup was strictly prohibited, I was never specifically warned by the teachers.

By the way, do you know that makeup products have expiration dates? I learned this when I was in college and eager to find a makeup style that suited me better.

I used to buy makeup products solely based on their cute appearances, without using them. However, now I feel that a small amount of makeup is sufficient. I’ve come to understand that having only a few favorites is enough, considering I only have one face and body.

I won’t use makeup products that I bought just because they looked cute but didn’t fit my taste in color or texture. I won’t use them even if I keep them for a long time, thinking I might need them someday.

Especially for items I haven’t used this year, there’s a very high chance I won’t use them next year either.

Through the process of discarding multiple times, I’ve become more accustomed to throwing things away without hesitation.

Cleaning was a delightful experience, discovering expired samples and items I had forgotten. Now, I’ll organize the gathered beauty products by category. It was challenging to collect them, but sorting them into categories was quite labor-intensive.

A large quantity of lipstick, a large quantity of foundation, a large quantity of eyeshadow… It was very strange to have such a large quantity of everything.

I’m not sure how to store them in the best way. Even after realizing I had more makeup products than I imagined, I’m satisfied with today’s progress, so I want to stop today’s work.